c - Getting error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'SolvePrecondMatrix' -

when try compile .c file in putty, throws me error :

expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or 'attribute' before 'solveprecondmatrix'.

i don't know how solve it. checked twice in code , didn't miss ";" don't know why then. can me pls.

#include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<mpi.h>   #define epsilon           1.0e-20 #define max_iterations 10000   /******************************************************************************/ void  getpreconditionmatrix(double **bloc_precond_matrix, int noofrows_bloc,                int noofcols) {       /*... preconditional martix identity matrix .......*/     int     bloc_matrixsize;     int     irow, icol, index;     double *precond_matrix;       bloc_matrixsize = noofrows_bloc*noofcols;       precond_matrix = (double *) malloc(bloc_matrixsize * sizeof(double));           index = 0;     for(irow=0; irow<noofrows_bloc; irow++){         for(icol=0; icol<noofcols; icol++){             precond_matrix[index++] = 1.0;         }     }     *bloc_precond_matrix = precond_matrix; } /******************************************************************************/ double  computevectordotproduct(double *vector1, double *vector2, int vectorsize) {     int     index;     double product;       product = 0.0;     for(index=0; index<vectorsize; index++)         product += vector1[index]*vector2[index];       return(product); } /******************************************************************************/ void  calculateresiduevector(double *bloc_residue_vector, double *bloc_matrix_a,          double *input_b, double *vector_x, int noofrows_bloc int vectorsize, int myrank) {     /*... computes residue = ax - b .......*/     int   irow, index, globalvectorindex;     double value;       globalvectorindex = myrank * noofrows_bloc;     for(irow=0; irow<noofrows_bloc; irow++){         index = irow * vectorsize;         value = computevectordotproduct(&bloc_matrix_a[index], vector_x, vectorsize);         bloc_residue_vector[irow] = value - input_b[globalvectorindex++];     } } /******************************************************************************/ void solveprecondmatrix(double *bloc_precond_matrix, double *hvector,              double *bloc_residue_vector, int bloc_vectorsize) {     /*...hvector = bloc_precond_matrix inverse * bloc_residue_vector.......*/     int index;       for(index=0; index<bloc_vectorsize; index++){         hvector[index] = bloc_residue_vector[index]/1.0;     } } 

the problem function:

void solveprecondmatrix(double *bloc_precond_matrix, double *hvector,          double *bloc_residue_vector, int bloc_vectorsize) 

it should have been:

void solveprecondmatrix(double *bloc_precond_matrix, double *hvector,          double *bloc_residue_vector, int bloc_vectorsize) 

that is, mistakenly capitalized void void.


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