(JAVA battleships) button/image grid works fine but when I add a second grid next to it they both get messed up -

i'm creating battleships program java. using gridlayout want have player board in west panel , npc board in east panel (as other info , means of input in centre panel , south panel).

i started adding players board follows (full code can found @ bottom of post well):

public void placeplyrgrids() {     plyrboard.add(cornergridlabel); //add empty grid top left     for(n = 0; n < 10; n++)         plyrboard.add(lettergridlabels[n]); //the first row first 10 letters of alphabet     (y = 1; y < 11; y++) //for every (y) row...     {          (x = 0; x < 11; x++) //...add ten (x) grids make columns         {             if (x == 0) //to start of each row, add number (image jlabel)             {                 plyrboard.add(numbergridlabels[numbercounter]);                 numbercounter++;             }             else //for rest of each row, add buttons             {                 plyrboard.add(buttongrids[y-1][x-1]);             }         }     } } 

this worked fine.

then tried adding dealer board in 2 ways, none of seemed work, both got messed up, , seemed mess player board had seemed work fine on own.

1: placing both boards simultaneously in same method.

public void placeboards() {     plyrboard.add(cornergridlabel); //add empty grid top left     npcboard.add(cornergridlabel);     for(n = 0; n < 10; n++)         plyrboard.add(lettergridlabels[n]); //the first row first 10 letters of alphabet     npcboard.add(lettergridlabels[n]);     (y = 1; y < 11; y++) //for every (y) row...     {         (x = 0; x < 11; x++) //...add ten (x) grids make columns         {             if (x == 0) //to start of each row, add number (image jlabel)             {                 plyrboard.add(numbergridlabels[numbercounter]);                 npcboard.add(numbergridlabels[numbercounter]);                 numbercounter++;             }             else //for rest of each row, add buttons             {                 plyrboard.add(buttongrids[y-1][x-1]);                 npcboard.add(emptygridlabel);             }                }     } } 

2: placing both each in different method (used in combination pladeplyrgrids method @ top)

public void placenpcgrids() {     npcboard.add(cornergridlabel);     for(n = 0; n < 10; n++)         npcboard.add(lettergridlabels[n]);      (y = 1; y < 11; y++)      {         (x = 0; x < 11; x++)         {             if (x == 0)             {                 npcboard.add(numbergridlabels[numbercounter]);                 numbercounter++;             }             else             {                 npcboard.add(emptygridlabel);             }         }     } } 

my full code:

import java.awt.container; import java.awt.dimension; import java.awt.gridlayout; import java.awt.event.actionevent; import java.awt.event.actionlistener;  import javax.swing.imageicon; import javax.swing.jbutton; import javax.swing.jframe; import javax.swing.jlabel; import javax.swing.jpanel; import javax.swing.jscrollpane; import javax.swing.jtextarea;   public class battleships {      public static void main(string[] args)      {         interface win = new interface ();        } }  class interface extends jframe implements actionlistener {        //identify variables     int n;     int numbercounter = 0;     int y;     int x;      // lengths of various ships in game      //add image components     //coordinate axes , empty grids     imageicon emptygrid = new imageicon("emptygrid.png");     imageicon cornergrid = new imageicon("cornergrid.png");     imageicon [] numbergrids = new imageicon[11];     {         (n = 0; n < 11; n ++)             numbergrids[n] = new imageicon("grid" + (n + 1) + ".png");     }     imageicon [] lettergrids = new imageicon [11];     {         (n = 0; n < 11; n ++)             lettergrids[n] = new imageicon("grida" + (n + 1)+ ".png");      }     //ship parts      //clickable ships (for placement)     imageicon fullbattleship = new imageicon("fullbattleship.png");     imageicon fullcruiser = new imageicon("fullcruiser.png");     imageicon fullpatrolboat1 = new imageicon("fullpatrolboat.png");     imageicon fullpatrolboat2 = new imageicon("fullpatrolboat.png");      //jlabels        jlabel cornergridlabel = new jlabel(cornergrid);     jlabel [] numbergridlabels = new jlabel[10];      {         //the first 11 grids empty grid followed letters a-j         (n = 0; n < 10; n++)         {             numbergridlabels[n] = new jlabel(numbergrids[n]);         }     }     jlabel [] lettergridlabels = new jlabel [10];     {         (n = 0; n < 10; n ++)         {             lettergridlabels[n] = new jlabel (lettergrids[n]);         }     }     jlabel emptygridlabel = new jlabel(emptygrid);      jbutton [][] buttongrids = new jbutton [10][10];     {         (y = 0; y < 10; y++)         {             (x = 0; x < 10; x++)             {                 buttongrids[x][y] = new jbutton(emptygrid);                 buttongrids[x][y].setpreferredsize(new dimension(50,50));             }         }     }      jlabel [] npcgrids = new jlabel[121]; //grid placements dealer board     {         (n = 0; n < 121; n ++)             npcgrids[n] = new jlabel (emptygrid);     }      jlabel [] clickableboats = new jlabel [4];     {         clickableboats[0] = new jlabel (fullbattleship);         clickableboats[1] = new jlabel (fullcruiser);         clickableboats[2] = new jlabel (fullpatrolboat1);         clickableboats[3] = new jlabel (fullpatrolboat2);      }      jbutton [] plyrclickablegrids = new jbutton [100];     {         (n = 0; n < 99; n++);             plyrclickablegrids[n] = new jbutton(emptygrid);     }       //add interface components     jtextarea playerinformation = new jtextarea(20,5);     jscrollpane textpane1 = new jscrollpane (playerinformation);     jbutton playturnbtn = new jbutton ("play turn");      //add jpanels     jpanel plyrboard = new jpanel (new gridlayout(11,11));     jpanel infopanel = new jpanel(new gridlayout(1,1));     jpanel npcboard = new jpanel(new gridlayout(11,11));     jpanel inputpanel = new jpanel(new gridlayout(1,10));      public interface ()     {         super ("battleships");          setsize (1367,729);          setdefaultcloseoperation (jframe.exit_on_close);           //set background color         container contentarea = getcontentpane();           //set each panel "opaque", background becomes visible         plyrboard.setopaque(false);         npcboard.setopaque(false);         inputpanel.setopaque(false);         setvisible (true);           playerinformation.seteditable(false);             //add panels different compass points on content area         contentarea.add("west", plyrboard);         contentarea.add("center", infopanel);         contentarea.add("east", npcboard);         contentarea.add("south", inputpanel);          //add imagelabels , buttons panels         placeplyrgrids();         numbercounter = 0;         placenpcgrids();           infopanel.add(playerinformation);          (n = 0; n < 4; n++)         {             inputpanel.add(clickableboats[n]);         }         inputpanel.add(playturnbtn);            // todo vanity          //button format         playturnbtn.setpreferredsize(new dimension(1, 141));       }      public void placeplyrgrids()     {            plyrboard.add(cornergridlabel); //add empty grid top left             //npcboard.add(cornergridlabel);             for(n = 0; n < 10; n++)                 plyrboard.add(lettergridlabels[n]); //the first row first 10 letters of alphabet                 //npcboard.add(lettergridlabels[n]);          (y = 1; y < 11; y++) //for every (y) row...         {             (x = 0; x < 11; x++) //...add ten (x) grids make columns             {                 if (x == 0) //to start of each row, add number (image jlabel)                 {                     plyrboard.add(numbergridlabels[numbercounter]);                     //npcboard.add(numbergridlabels[numbercounter]);                     numbercounter++;                 }                 else //for rest of each row, add buttons                 {                     plyrboard.add(buttongrids[y-1][x-1]);                     //npcboard.add(emptygridlabel);                 }             }         }     }      public void placenpcgrids()     {         npcboard.add(cornergridlabel);         for(n = 0; n < 10; n++)             npcboard.add(lettergridlabels[n]);          (y = 1; y < 11; y++)          {             (x = 0; x < 11; x++)             {                 if (x == 0)                 {                     npcboard.add(numbergridlabels[numbercounter]);                     numbercounter++;                 }                 else                 {                     npcboard.add(emptygridlabel);                 }             }         }     }       public void actionperformed(actionevent e)      {      } } 

as i'm sure understand confused , don't understand @ why happening. after all, first method works fine on own. why shouldn't second 1 , why destroying each other?

any suggestions or tips put me in right direction appreciated.



import java.awt.container;  import java.awt.dimension;  import java.awt.gridlayout;  import java.awt.event.actionevent;  import java.awt.event.actionlistener;    import javax.swing.imageicon;  import javax.swing.jbutton;  import javax.swing.jframe;  import javax.swing.jlabel;  import javax.swing.jpanel;  import javax.swing.jscrollpane;  import javax.swing.jtextarea;      public class battleships {      	public static void main(string[] args)   	  	{  		  		interface win = new interface ();  		  	}    }    class interface extends jframe implements actionlistener  {  	  	//identify variables  	int n;  	int numbercounter = 0;  	int y;  	int x;    	// lengths of various ships in game      	//add image components  	//coordinate axes , empty grids  	imageicon emptygrid = new imageicon("emptygrid.png");  	imageicon cornergrid = new imageicon("cornergrid.png");  	imageicon [] numbergrids = new imageicon[11];  	{  		for (n = 0; n < 11; n ++)  			numbergrids[n] = new imageicon("grid" + (n + 1) + ".png");  	}  	imageicon [] lettergrids = new imageicon [11];  	{  		for (n = 0; n < 11; n ++)  			lettergrids[n] = new imageicon("grida" + (n + 1)+ ".png");   	}  	//ship parts  	  	//clickable ships (for placement)  	imageicon fullbattleship = new imageicon("fullbattleship.png");  	imageicon fullcruiser = new imageicon("fullcruiser.png");  	imageicon fullpatrolboat1 = new imageicon("fullpatrolboat.png");  	imageicon fullpatrolboat2 = new imageicon("fullpatrolboat.png");    	  	//jlabels 	  	jlabel plyrcornergridlabel = new jlabel(cornergrid);  	jlabel [] plyrnumbergridlabels = new jlabel[10];   	{  		//the first 11 grids empty grid followed letters a-j  		for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)  		{  			plyrnumbergridlabels[n] = new jlabel(numbergrids[n]);  		}  	}  	jlabel [] plyrlettergridlabels = new jlabel [10];  	{  		for (n = 0; n < 10; n ++)  		{  				plyrlettergridlabels[n] = new jlabel (lettergrids[n]);  	  		}  	  	}  	  	jlabel npccornergridlabel = new jlabel(cornergrid);  	jlabel [] npcnumbergridlabels = new jlabel[10];   	{  		//the first 11 grids empty grid followed letters a-j  		for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)  		{  			npcnumbergridlabels[n] = new jlabel(numbergrids[n]);  		}  	}  	jlabel [] npclettergridlabels = new jlabel [10];  	{  		for (n = 0; n < 10; n ++)  		{  				npclettergridlabels[n] = new jlabel (lettergrids[n]);  	  		}  	  	}  	  	  	jlabel[][] emptygridlabels = new jlabel [10][10];  	{  		for (y = 0; y < 10; y++)  		{  			for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)  			{  				emptygridlabels[x][y] = new jlabel(emptygrid);  			}  		}  	}  	  	jbutton [][] buttongrids = new jbutton [10][10];  	{  		for (y = 0; y < 10; y++)  		{  			for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)  			{  				buttongrids[x][y] = new jbutton(emptygrid);  				buttongrids[x][y].setpreferredsize(new dimension(50,50));  			}  		}  	}  	  	jlabel [] npcgrids = new jlabel[121]; //grid placements dealer board  	{  		for (n = 0; n < 121; n ++)  			npcgrids[n] = new jlabel (emptygrid);  	}  	  	jlabel [] clickableboats = new jlabel [4];  	{  		clickableboats[0] = new jlabel (fullbattleship);  		clickableboats[1] = new jlabel (fullcruiser);  		clickableboats[2] = new jlabel (fullpatrolboat1);  		clickableboats[3] = new jlabel (fullpatrolboat2);    	}  	  	jbutton [] plyrclickablegrids = new jbutton [100];  	{  		for (n = 0; n < 99; n++);  			plyrclickablegrids[n] = new jbutton(emptygrid);  			  	}  	  	  	//add interface components  	jtextarea playerinformation = new jtextarea(20,5);  	jscrollpane textpane1 = new jscrollpane (playerinformation);  	jbutton playturnbtn = new jbutton ("play turn");    	//add jpanels  	jpanel plyrboard = new jpanel (new gridlayout(11,11));  	jpanel infopanel = new jpanel(new gridlayout(1,1));  	jpanel npcboard = new jpanel(new gridlayout(11,11));  	jpanel inputpanel = new jpanel(new gridlayout(1,10));  	  	public interface ()  	{  		super ("battleships");   		setsize (1367,729);   		setdefaultcloseoperation (jframe.exit_on_close);   		  		//set background color  		container contentarea = getcontentpane();   	  		//set each panel "opaque", background becomes visible  		plyrboard.setopaque(false);  		npcboard.setopaque(false);  		inputpanel.setopaque(false);  		setvisible (true);    		  		playerinformation.seteditable(false);             playturnbtn.setpreferredsize(new dimension(1, 141));    	      		//add panels different compass points on content area  		contentarea.add("west", plyrboard);  		contentarea.add("center", infopanel);  		contentarea.add("east", npcboard);  		contentarea.add("south", inputpanel);  		  		//add imagelabels , buttons panels  	infopanel.add(playerinformation);  		  		for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)  		{  			inputpanel.add(clickableboats[n]);  		}  		inputpanel.add(playturnbtn);  		  		placeplyrgrids();  		numbercounter = 0;  		placenpcgrids();  	    			  	  	    		  		  		// todo vanity   		//button format  		  	  	}  	  	public void placeplyrgrids()  	{  		   plyrboard.add(plyrcornergridlabel); //add empty grid top left  	 	   	//npcboard.add(cornergridlabel);  	 	   	for(n = 0; n < 10; n++)  	 	   		plyrboard.add(plyrlettergridlabels[n]); //the first row first 10 letters of alphabet  		   		//npcboard.add(npclettergridlabels[n]);    		for (y = 1; y < 11; y++) //for every (y) row...  	    {  	    	  	    	for (x = 0; x < 11; x++) //...add ten (x) grids make columns  	    	{  	    		if (x == 0) //to start of each row, add number (image jlabel)  	    		{  	    			plyrboard.add(plyrnumbergridlabels[numbercounter]);  	    			//npcboard.add(npcnumbergridlabels[numbercounter]);  	    			numbercounter++;  	    		}  			  	    		else //for rest of each row, add buttons  	    		{  	    			plyrboard.add(buttongrids[y-1][x-1]);  	    			//npcboard.add(emptygridlabel);    	    		}  	    			  	   		}  	    	  	   	}  	}  	  	public void placenpcgrids()  	{  		npcboard.add(npccornergridlabel);  	   	for(n = 0; n < 10; n++)  	   		npcboard.add(npclettergridlabels[n]);    	   	for (y = 1; y < 11; y++)       	{      	      		for (x = 0; x < 11; x++)      		{      			if (x == 0)      			{      				npcboard.add(npcnumbergridlabels[numbercounter]);      				numbercounter++;      			}  		      			else      			{      			      				npcboard.add(emptygridlabels[x-1][y-1]);        			}      			     			}      	      	}  	}          	    	public void actionperformed(actionevent e)   	{  		  	}  	    }

the issue in code referring same object, e.g.

public void placeboards() {     //both player board , npc board going have same cornergirdlabel, should creating 2 separate instances of     plyrboard.add(cornergridlabel); //add empty grid top left     npcboard.add(cornergridlabel);      //rest of code } 

all way through code, keep using reference same objects, not going when want build 2 boards own grids!

it might better, readability separate board building different classes , have them create own instances of these objects, rather trying fit in 1 class main method. have @ best design practice documents. example, have nice tips here


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