java - RabbitListener multiple queues behavior -

what behavior when using following construct (latest version of spring). i'm unable find in documentation.

@rabbitlistener(queues = {"q1", "q2", "q3"}) public class mylistener { 

in order messages 3 queues processed?

it indeterminate - 3 basicconsume operations performed on consumer channel (if increase concurrentconsumers it's 3 per consumer). basicconsume operations performed in order queues defined (in cases unless 1 or more of queues temporarily "missing").

the broker send messages each queue prefetchcount (basicqos) each queue (default 1).

i don't know actual algorithm used broker in scenario should assume indeterminate - spring amqp deliver them listener(s) in order received broker.


i ran test (2 queues each 2 existing messages) , delivered round-robin - q1m1, q2m1, q1m2, q2m2 when prefetch 1.

with prefetch set 4, see q1m1, q1m2, q2m1, q2m2.

of course, when queues empty, messages arrive in order arrive @ broker.


see consumer prefetch.

spring amqp uses basicqos variant no global arg, default (false) used. means prefetch per-consumer.


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