jquery - How to bind to localStorage change event on different pages of the same site? -

i know how bind change event localstorage if same page opened in 2 tabs (this topic) , need similar effect, if had 2 pages of 1 site opened in different tabs. ideas?

make example you, check want?


<html> <head>     <title>page 1</title> </head> <body>     <input type="text" id="value"/>     <button id="save">save</button> </body> <script>      function $id(id){         return document.getelementbyid(id);     }     function addhandler(ele,trigger,handler){         if(window.addeventlistener){             ele.addeventlistener(trigger,handler,false);             return false;         }         window.attachevent(trigger,handler);     }      function savetostorage(){         var value = $id('value').value;         window.localstorage.setitem('key',value);     }      addhandler($id('save'),"click",savetostorage); </script> </html> 


<html> <head></head> <body>     value:     <span id="value"></span> </body> <script>      function addhandler(ele,trigger,handler){         if(window.addeventlistener){             ele.addeventlistener(trigger,handler,false);             return false;         }         window.attachevent(trigger,handler);     }      function onstoargeevent(e) {         var value = localstorage.getitem('key');         console.log('successfully communicate other tab');         console.log('received data: ' + value);         document.getelementbyid('value').innertext = value;     }      addhandler(window,"storage",onstoargeevent);  </script> </html> 


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