spring-boot MyBatisBatchItemWriter Cannot change the ExecutorType when there is an existing transaction -

i'm use spring boot , mybatis mybatisbatchitemwriter. using demo write data(mysql) database when no problem. used in project org.springframework.dao.transientdataaccessresourceexception: cannot change executortype when there existing transaction @ org.mybatis.spring.sqlsessionutils.getsqlsession(sqlsessionutils.java:91) ~[mybatis-spring-1.2.2.jar:1.2.2] @ org.mybatis.spring.sqlsessiontemplate$sqlsessioninterceptor.invoke(sqlsessiontemplate.java:353) ~[mybatis-spring-1.2.2.jar:1.2.2] @ com.sun.proxy.$proxy45.update(unknown source) ~[na:na]

this demo:

 @bean public mybatisbatchitemwriter<hfbank> writer() {     mybatisbatchitemwriter<hfbank> writer = new mybatisbatchitemwriter<hfbank>();     writer.setsqlsessionfactory(sqlsessionfactory);     string statementid = "com.springboot.dao.hfbankdao.insertselective";     writer.setstatementid(statementid);     compositeitemwriter compositeitemwriter  = new compositeitemwriter();      list delegates = new arraylist();      delegates.add(writer);      compositeitemwriter.setdelegates(delegates);      writer.setassertupdates(false);     return writer; } 

this mybatisbatchitemwriter:

@bean  @stepscope public mybatisbatchitemwriter<channeldatainfo> writer(@value("#{jobparameters[channelid]}")  long channelid) {     mybatisbatchitemwriter<channeldatainfo> writer = new mybatisbatchitemwriter<channeldatainfo>();     sqlsession sqlsession = sqlsessionfactory.opensession(executortype.batch);      writer.setsqlsessionfactory(sqlsessionfactory);     string statementid = "com.kaigejava.fundcheck.repository.channeldatainforepository.insertselective";      writer.setstatementid(statementid);     compositeitemwriter compositeitemwriter  = new compositeitemwriter();      list delegates = new arraylist();      delegates.add(writer);      compositeitemwriter.setdelegates(delegates);      writer.setassertupdates(false);     return writer; } 

why demo ok project has error?

because sais it: can't change executor type inside transaction.

it looks you've tried batch-write part of more broad transaction includes other sql operations, transaction started simple (default) or reuse executor type.

it's obvious, batch-write requires batch executor type, though once transaction started, it's executor type can not changed. so, perform batch operations in separate transaction, or run nested transaction, if rdbms allows it.


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