c# - Is it okay to reference a binary assembly instead of a DLL -

i've inherited legacy application 2 solutions. 1 solution windows forms(ui) application , other windows service.

the windows service solution references user interface exe, implementation found existing in application.

when running windows service receive following error:

...posting service main loop failed not load file or assembly 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=abcc533bcb766348' or 1 of dependencies. attempt made load program incorrect format

i tasked upgrading solution .net version 3.5 .net version 4.5, did successfully, yet reference causing me issues.

can educate me on effects of referencing .exe binary c#. cannot change solution being referenced class library has user interface built using .net c# windows forms tools, it's output type 'windows application'

any , assistance tremendously appreciated. thanks

referencing exe assembly or dll assembly not make difference in .net, both assemblies , .net can handle them no problem.

the problem in case seems incompatibility in platform build , running on: 32 vs. 64 bits. possible project built 64 bits , trying run in on 32-bits system.


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