Copying files based on file name in Matlab -

i want copy files 1 folder another, if filename begins letter 'w'. below script i've come far, it's not working. there 2 loops in script, because there files in 3 folders (i.e. subjects) , each of these folders has 4 subfolders, want scan through 'w*'-files. files should copied "folderx" "folderxnew".

for n_subj = 1:3     cwd_all = { '/data/subject1/';      '/data/subject2';      'data/subject3'; };     cwd = cwd_all{n_subj};     dirs{1}='folder1';    dirs{2}='folder2';    dirs{3}='folder3';    dirs{4}='folder4';     dirt{1}='folder1new';    dirt{2}='folder2new';    dirt{3}='folder3new';    dirt{4}='folder4new';     nses=1:4          dir = dirs{nses};          files = dir('w*');          copyfile(files, dirt{nses},'f');      end  end 

can try loop:

for nses=1:4      files = dir([dirs{nses} '\w*']);      =1:length(files)         copyfile(files(i).name, dirt{nses},'f');      end  end 


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