java - ConstraintValidatorContext to define custom error messages -

i want create custom email validator using annotations. this solution useful while creating validator. here's annotation :

@target({elementtype.method, elementtype.field, elementtype.annotation_type,           elementtype.constructor, elementtype.parameter}) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @constraint(validatedby = {commonsemailvalidator.class}) @documented @reportassingleviolation public @interface exemailvalidator {  string message() default "        {}";  class<?>[] groups() default {};  class<? extends payload>[] payload() default {};  @target({elementtype.method, elementtype.field, elementtype.annotation_type,          elementtype.constructor, elementtype.parameter}) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @documented public @interface list { exemailvalidator[] value(); } } 

and here's class commonsemailvalidator :

public class commonsemailvalidator implements         constraintvalidator<exemailvalidator, string> { private static final boolean allow_local = false; private emailvalidator realvalidator =        emailvalidator.getinstance(allow_local);  @override public void initialize(exemailvalidator email) { // todo auto-generated method stub   } @override public boolean isvalid(string email, constraintvalidatorcontext         constraintvalidatorcontext) {  if( email == null ) return true;  return realvalidator.isvalid(email);  }   } 

i run project, but, when click submit on registration form, while email format not valid have following exception :

request processing failed; nested exception javax.validation.constraintviolationexception: validation failed classes [...] during persist time groups [javax.validation.groups.default, ]

error 500

the exception excpected, instead of showing 500 error, see error message explaning what's wrong. so, think have use constraintvalidatorcontext define custom error messages. but, don't know how it. ideas please ?

you should use @controlleradvice , handle validation exceptions there @exceptionhandler(methodargumentnotvalidexception.class) example.


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