javascript - Google Tag Manager not firing on link click in site footer? -
this first post - have searched answer in other questions couldn't find hoping can specific question?
i'm trying track link that's sat in 'floating' bar in footer of this site:
the link #browsealoud - when click on screen reader - upon clicking opens pop-up reads out text (to assist sight problems).
i have set tag , trigger in google tag manager, , know works fine when insert below link code in body content, event tracked in google analytics.
however, link sits in floating grey bar in footer, trigger doesn't fire , can't quite work out why. best solution allow me track link clicks on particular link (which appears on pages)?
<a href="#browsealoud" onclick="browsealoud.togglebar(); return false;" class="dark-arrow" data-bapdf="80"><h6>screen reader</h6></a>
it looks me though you've fixed this, think can see ga event firing whenever click.
in case, think problem there 2 different places can click obtain same result; text 'screen reader' child of element includes arrow, clicking obtain different set of attributes.
i woudl set custom javascript variable parent href reads href of parent of clicked object. example...:
function() { return {{click element}}.parentelement.href; }
and set trigger fires when either click url or parent href equal #browsealoud.
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