multithreading - java recommended way for shutting down multiple user sessions -
we want disconnect our clients server.
so sent out messages sessions, include commands "close yourself"l
so in general this:
for (session session : sessions) { closesession(session); while(!verifyclosed(session)){ closesession(session); retries++; if(retries==10){ retries = 0; break; } }; }
now give seconds (let's 5) each session closed before doing sigterm kill methods.
so preferred way:
doing loop maximum of 5 seconds delay each session close procedure.
start each session thread procedure sessions should closed @ same time.
for (session session : sessions) { startclosingthread(session); }
i notice users falsly hung on word "session", problem not sessionhandling @ all. if send closing message or disconnect socket not matter. not problem.
you replace word session userthread.
the problem need advice is: closing "userthread" take time, wait each thread closed , step next one, or start each userthread own repsonsible closing thread work on threads @ same time.
send session close request on sessions, wait 5 seconds, check sessions. way session closes can happen in parallel without starting whole bunch of new threads.
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