linux - Connect to MySQL from remote machine -

i have problem connecting mysql server running on linux machine. works fine local network (any computer in same network).

anyway, no connection can established other networks.

i have no idea why..

in my.cnf i've set port=3306 , bind-address=

netstat -an | grep 3306 returns     tcp        0      0  *               listen 

the mysql user created this

create user 'user'@'%' identified 'pass'; create user 'user'@'localhost' identified 'pass';  grant select on *.* 'user'@'%'; grant select on *.* 'user'@'localhost'; 

a portforwarding port 3306 configured in router.

the file hosts.deny empty.

as far can tell server listening on 3306 , nobody between , client blocks, still nobody local clients can connect.

i've tried many solutions found on stackoverflow none of them helped..

i have admit i'm not used linux, please give "noob-instructions" :)

after many "try , error"-approaches figuered out, had comment out line "skip-external-locking" in mysql config file.

i hope might having same problem :)


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