ruby - Rails app returning 401 Unauthorized while logging in only in production -

i can't login in app deployed on heroku, 1 in production. on local machine 1 runs development work without problem. both databases same dump copies of each other.

i verified user exist in remote database , password given in correctly, both local , remote version same branch , synced.

i've tried this solution, config/initializers/session_store.rb looks this:

# sure restart server when modify file. filteredweb::application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_filtered-web_session', domain: :all 

someone suggested changing encryption key in config/initializers/devise.rb don't see , neither understand logic behind it.


devise (2.2.3) rails (3.2.13) 

i had same exact error... removing domain: :all fixed me. see a similar issue on github


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