active directory - RESOLVED get-ADUser with parameters in a foreach loop from csv with powershell -

i try lookup ad powershell 3 , check if users (samaccountname) in csv existing , active in ad. hopping 1 error next 1 based on brackets , parenthesis not find correct way. tried different filters, tried pass them through variable end "a parameter cannot found matches parameter name -eq...". looks error @ get-aduser $adsearch not set therefore fails evaluate if($adsearch).

the csv file sanitized (leading spaces etc.) , looks (only 1 column samaccountname):

john.doe jane.doe doej2 barf5 

any tip highly appreciated. thanks!

param ($inputfile='.\users.csv',$logfile='.\log.csv') $csv = import-csv $inputfile  #"samaccountname,search result" | add-content $logfile  foreach ($user in $csv){     echo $user;     #$adsearch = get-aduser -filter 'samaccountname -eq "$($user)" -and enabled -eq $true'     #$filter = "samaccountname -eq $($user) -and enabled -eq $($true)"     #write-host "filter $filter"     $adsearch = get-aduser -filter "(samaccountname -eq '$($user)') -and (enabled -eq '$($true)')"     echo $adsearch     if ($adsearch){         echo "found";         echo "$error"         #"$user, found" | add-content $logfile         }     else{         echo "not found";         echo "$error"         #"$user, not found" | add-content $logfile         }     } 

for reference leave buggy script above, here working script (thanks tomer , charlie joynt):

param ($inputfile='.\users.csv',$logfile='.\log.csv') $csv = import-csv $inputfile  "samaccountname,search result,error" | add-content $logfile  foreach ($user in $csv){     $username = $user.samaccountname;     $adsearch = get-aduser -filter {(samaccountname -eq $username) -and (enabled -eq $true)}     echo "search active user $user"     if ($adsearch){         echo "found";         "$user, found" | add-content $logfile         }     else{         echo "not found";         "$user, not found, $error" | add-content $logfile         }     } 

for csv file showed, when add header line samaccountname, following works me:

$username = $user.samaccountname $adsearch = get-aduser -filter {(samaccountname -eq $username) -and (enabled -eq $true)} 

notice curly brackets instead of quote marks.


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