java - How do I test that a property of a model attribute is not null in using JUnit and MockMVC? -

in junit test below i'm validating model attribute present, has particular type, , particular attribute:

@test public void mytest() throws exception {     mockmvc.perform(get(my_url))             .andexpect(status().is2xxsuccessful())             .andexpect(view().name(my_view_name))             .andexpect(model().attribute("myform", instanceof(myform.class)))             .andexpect(model().attribute("myform", hasproperty("myprop"))); } 

how test that property not null?

i found solution. can use org.hamcrest.beans.haspropertywithvalue.hasproperty follows:

hasproperty("myprop", notnullvalue())) 


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