java - Reflect annotations from android activity class -
i developing api used in android. want use reflection access annotations implemented in android activity class. need reflect api. there way it?
i trying pass context api can activity class annotations are.
the annotation called action , follows:
@action( name = "test", description = "this test", inputs = {"no input"}, output = {"no output"}, controlurl = "/api/v1/" ) public void testaction (){ /* * implements here action! */ }
the method used reflect it:
private static void getaction() { if (d) log.d(tag, "getaction"); class classwithaction = appcontext.getclass(); annotation[] aannotations = classwithaction.getdeclaredannotations(); for(annotation : aannotations) log.d(tag, a.tostring()); }
discovering classes annotated particular annotation in runtime requires, in general, classpath scanning. there no streamlined, official api doing it, though. because is, , inevitably, hack, due design of classloading system. in short, classes can, in principle, created on demand, in uncontrollable , arbitrary manner.
nevertheless, classpath jungle no means vicious , frought pitfalls, , can list classes particular property reasonably reliably. there 1 android-specific obstacle overcome, it's not bad. basically, trick list contents of classes.dex file in app's .apk archive, load classes contains 1 one , reflectively check desired property. can more details here (my other answer), , this blog post contains complete illustration of technique (it's not mine).
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