php - Amazon MWS ListOrders Misiing orders with different Currency/ Timezone -

i using listorders api orders amazon store

i have set timezone europe/london

but orders missing listorders api , these orders having different currency (euro) , perhaps placed different country (spain).

all orders currency pound listed api. tried changing time zone europe/madrid, still these orders not listed. can cause? please help.


i added method amazon orders api class , returned me 100 orders , gave me nexttoken access next 100 or remaining orders. need set createdafter date , marketplaceid other not required fields.

public function getorderlist()     {         $this->config['serviceurl'] = "";         $this->serviceurl = "";          $service = new marketplacewebserviceorders_client($this->aws_access_key, $this->aws_secret_access_key, $this->application_name, $this->application_version, $this->config);          $request = new \marketplacewebserviceorders_model_listordersrequest();         $request->setsellerid($this->seller_id);         $request->setmarketplaceid($this->marketplace_id);         $request->setcreatedafter(date('y-m-d\th:i:s\z', strtotime('-49 hours')));         //new datetime('-7 days', new datetimezone('utc'))           try         {             $response = $service->listorders($request);              echo ("service response\n");             echo ("=============================================================================\n");              $dom = new domdocument();             $dom->loadxml($response->toxml());             $dom->preservewhitespace = false;             $dom->formatoutput = true;             echo $dom->savexml();             echo("responseheadermetadata: " . $response->getresponseheadermetadata() . "\n");         }         catch(marketplacewebserviceorders_exception $ex)         {             echo("caught exception: " . $ex->getmessage() . "\n");             echo("response status code: " . $ex->getstatuscode() . "\n");             echo("error code: " . $ex->geterrorcode() . "\n");             echo("error type: " . $ex->geterrortype() . "\n");             echo("request id: " . $ex->getrequestid() . "\n");             echo("xml: " . $ex->getxml() . "\n");             echo("responseheadermetadata: " . $ex->getresponseheadermetadata() . "\n");         }     } 


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