sql server - How to execute multiple commands using Python ssh connection? -

i want execute multiple commands on linux machine after ssh connection it. first command sql command gives sql prompt. second commands sql query

i tried below code doesnt exit out of session.

import paramiko nmsip = "ip" user="user" pwd = "pwd" ssh = paramiko.sshclient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.autoaddpolicy()) ssh.connect(nmsip, 22, username=user, password=pwd) channel = ssh.invoke_shell() stdin = channel.makefile('wb') stdout = channel.makefile('rb')  stdin.write(''' sqlplus  select * *'); exit exit ''')  print stdout.read() 

i have given 2 'exits' exit out of sql , linux session respectively. missing here? there better method achieve this?


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