exception - Spinnaker Jenkins Integration unable to fetch jobs from Jenkins -

we have completed steps described in hello-spinnaker example below.we have used aws spinnaker image directly configure spinnaker in aws.


i trying create sample pipeline noted in above example.but while create trigger in first step , select jenkins ,the jobs not getting populated , getting below error in browser.

get http://localhost:8084/v2/builds/jenkins/jobs 429 (too many requests)

the actual issue looks while retrofit trying map response jenkins getjobs joblist class finding attribute _class in jenkins response xml , not present in joblist groovy class.below how tried finding issue

1)login aws spinnaker instance

2)gate service exposed @ port 8084.
curl http://localhost:8084/v2/builds/jenkins/jobs.

{"failurecause":"retrofit.retrofiterror: 429 many requests","error":"too many requests","message":"429 many requests","status":429,"url":"http://localhost:8088/jobs/jenkins","timestamp":1462793944530} 

3)igor service exposed @ port 8088.
curl http://localhost:8088/jobs/jenkins

{"fallbackexception":"java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception: no fallback available.","failuretype":"command_exception","failurecause":"retrofit.converter.conversionexception: org.simpleframework.xml.core.attributeexception: attribute '_class' not have match in class com.netflix.spinnaker.igor.jenkins.client.model.joblist @ line 1","error":"hystrix failure","message":"jenkins-jenkins-getjobs failed , no fallback available.","status":429,"timestamp":1462793896853} 

when check in igor logs,there few exceptions occuring during getprojects jenkins poll

caused by: retrofit.converter.conversionexception: org.simpleframework.xml.core.attributeexception: attribute '_class' not have match in class com.netflix.spinnaker.igor.jenkins.client.model.projectslist @ line 2 @ retrofit.converter.simplexmlconverter.frombody(simplexmlconverter.java:38) @ retrofit.restadapter$resthandler.invokerequest(restadapter.java:367) ... 39 common frames omitted caused by: org.simpleframework.xml.core.attributeexception: attribute '_class' not have match in class com.netflix.spinnaker.igor.jenkins.client.model.projectslist @ line 2 

4)connect jenkins , jobs being done in spinnaker code https://github.com/spinnaker/igor/blob/master/igor-web/src/main/groovy/com/netflix/spinnaker/igor/jenkins/client/jenkinsclient.groovy

resp = requests.get('http://jenkinserverip:8080/api/xml?tree=jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name,jobs[name]]]]]]]]]]',auth=('admin','password'))
print resp.text

<hudson _class='hudson.model.hudson'><job _class='hudson.model.freestyleproject'><name>hello build</name></job><job _class='hudson.model.freestyleproject'><name>hello poll</name></job></hudson> 

so jenkins response having _class attribute ,retrofit throwing error @ line http://grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/com.squareup.retrofit/retrofit/1.9.0/retrofit/restadapter.java#383

i wanted see how can fix looks version in compatibility of jenkins.

this bug around jenkins api in later version. believe 2.2 last compatible version, run 1.6 internally.


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