java - Primefaces - how to pass parameter between 2 ui:define -
i need pass parameter between 2 forms both being in separate ui:define.
i have web site left part of tree table , center part form. want click node on left side , pass id center part use later on.
the goal enable user add new categories left side treetable. came idea if user clicks '+' sign on treetable form displayed hidden until then.
this main part of layout.
<p:layoutunit position="west" size="600" header="categories" resizable="true" closable="false" collapsible="true"> <h:form> <ui:insert name="westcontent">west default content</ui:insert> </h:form> </p:layoutunit> <p:layoutunit position="center"> <h:form> <ui:insert name="centercontent">center default content</ui:insert> </h:form> </p:layoutunit>
this left side content treetable is. want pass form located in centercontent.
<ui:define name="westcontent"> <h:form id="form"> <p:treetable value="#{documentscontroller.root}" var="document" selection="#{documentscontroller.selectednodes}" selectionmode="single"> <p:column style="width:300px"> <f:facet name="header"> name </f:facet> <h:outputtext value="#{}" /> </p:column> <p:column style="width:20px"> <f:facet name="header"> add category </f:facet> <p:commandbutton value="+" styleclass="ui-priority-primary" actionlistener="#{editorbean.print}" onclick=";"> </p:commandbutton> </p:column> </p:treetable> </h:form> </ui:define>
this center content want passed into.
<ui:define name="centercontent"> <h:form id="addcategoryform"> <p:panel id="addcategory" widgetvar="addcategory" header="new category" style="margin-bottom:10px;" closable="true" visible="false"> <p:messages id="messages" /> <h:panelgrid columns="3"> <h:outputlabel for="name" value="name: *" /> <p:inputtext id="name" value="#{}" required="true" label="name"> <f:validatelength minimum="2" /> </p:inputtext> <p:message for="name" /> <h:outputlabel for="description" value="description: *" /> <p:inputtext id="description" value="#{editorbean.description}" required="true" label="description"/> <p:message for="description" /> </h:panelgrid> <h:panelgrid columns="1"> <h:outputlabel value="html" /> <pe:ckeditor id="editor" value="#{editorbean.html}" interfacecolor="#cccccc" /> <p:commandbutton id="submitbutton" value="submit" update="addcategoryform" icon="ui-icon-disk" actionlistener="#{editorbean.print}" /> </h:panelgrid> </p:panel> </h:form> </ui:define>
this structure of managed bean i'm using.
@managedbean @scope("view") public class editorbean { private string name; private string description; private string html; private boolean iscategory; private int id; }
i'm used working jsp , old style of handling things in constructors pretty confusing me. i'm open other solutions issue.
i thought can fill id treetable editorbean , fill rest later on doesn't seem work.
thanks replies
just have property in bean keeps selected document command button left form , have accessed right form in way see it.
for example, add property bean:
private document selected;//getter + setter
preset in command button's action method (el 2.2 , higher), or using <f:setpropertyactionlistener>
(el lower 2.2). note onclick
wrong place hook on ajax callback events, use oncomplete
<p:commandbutton value="+" styleclass="ui-priority-primary" actionlistener="#{editorbean.print}" action="#{editorbean.action(document)}" oncomplete=";"> </p:commandbutton>
public void action(document document) { selected = document; //other business logic }
<p:commandbutton value="+" styleclass="ui-priority-primary" actionlistener="#{editorbean.print}" oncomplete=";"> <f:setpropertyactionlistener target="#{editorbean.selected}" value="#{document}" /> </p:commandbutton>
this way clicked item available in bean. can decompose in action method, if want. can referenced other form , other form's id included in ajax update these changes reflected in it.
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