node.js - Windows 7 NODE_PATH global var set but not recognized in package.json -

i installed node v6.0.0, npm v3.8.6 on windows 7 x86. defined global variable node_path:

c:\users\usr\dev\test>echo %node_path% %appdata%\npm\node_modules 

downloaded diferent projects start developing same error:

'node_path' not recognized internal or external command, 

operable program or batch file.

tried different package scripts same error:


"scripts": {     "build-js": "node_path=. browserify -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 ] ] src/client/index.js > public/app.js",  "serve": "node_path=./dist node dist/src/server", 


how node_path recognized global variable?

use scripts definition in package.json links file:

"scripts" : { "start" : "node server.js" } 

which contains process.env.node_path reference:




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