android - Conversion of PDF files to BMP and print -

i need working android code print pdf files bmp. code had able print text blurry , shrinked difficult read.the device used print small paper width of 384. printed text should clear read.

public class pdftoimage {          private int viewsize = 384;         private string pdferrorcode = null;         private string pdfimageerrorcode = null;         private string pdfimagesaveerrorcode = null;         private string returnerror = null;          public string pdftoimage(file pdffilepath) {             pdfimage.sshowimages = true;             pdfpaint.s_doantialias = true;             hardreference.skeepcaches = true;             try {                 randomaccessfile pdfaccessfile = new randomaccessfile(pdffilepath,                         "r");                 byte[] pdfdata = new byte[(int) pdfaccessfile.length()];                 pdfaccessfile.readfully(pdfdata);                 returnerror = pdfloadimages(pdfdata);                  pdferrorcode = "success";              } catch (exception ignored) {                 pdferrorcode = "pdf file not found";              }              if (returnerror.equals("pdf bmp conversion success")) {                 return pdferrorcode;                } else {                 return "failed";             }         }          @suppresslint("newapi")         private string pdfloadimages(final byte[] data) {              try {                 bytebuffer bytebuffer =;                 pdffile pdffile = new pdffile(bytebuffer);                 pdfpage pdfpage = pdffile.getpage(1, true);                  final float scaleimage = viewsize / pdfpage.getwidth() * 0.95f;                 bitmap bitmappdfpage = pdfpage.getimage(                         (int) (pdfpage.getwidth() * scaleimage),                         (int) (pdfpage.getheight() * scaleimage), null, true, true);                 saveimage(bitmappdfpage, 1);                  bytearrayoutputstream stream = new bytearrayoutputstream();                 bitmappdfpage.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, stream);                 stream.reset();                  (int = 2; <= pdffile.getnumpages(); i++) {                     pdfpage = pdffile.getpage(i, true);                     bitmappdfpage = pdfpage.getimage(                             (int) (pdfpage.getwidth() * scaleimage),                             (int) (pdfpage.getheight() * scaleimage), null, true,                             true);                     bitmappdfpage.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, stream);                     saveimage(bitmappdfpage, i);                     pdfimageerrorcode = "pdf bmp conversion success";                 }                 stream.close();             } catch (exception e) {                 log.d("error", e.tostring());                 pdfimageerrorcode = "pdf bmp conversion failed";             }             system.gc();             return pdfimageerrorcode;         }          private string saveimage(bitmap pdfbitmap, int pagenumber) {              string sdcardpath = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory()                     .tostring();             file pdfdir = new file(sdcardpath + "/pdftobmp");             pdfdir.mkdirs();              string pdftoimagefilename = "pdf-" + pagenumber + ".png";             file imagefile = new file(pdfdir, pdftoimagefilename);             if (imagefile.exists())                 imagefile.delete();             try {                 fileoutputstream outputstream = new fileoutputstream(imagefile);                 pdfbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 90, outputstream);                 outputstream.flush();                 outputstream.close();                 pdfimagesaveerrorcode = "image saved";              } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();                 pdfimagesaveerrorcode = "image not saved";             }             return pdfimagesaveerrorcode;         }      } 

here, you're compressing image 1/10 of original quality:

bitmappdfpage.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 10, stream); 

why not try either removing line, or adjusting compression higher value, 90?

bitmappdfpage.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 90, stream); 


if that's not case can give advice debug it.

i'm wondering whether it's loading or saving code that's causing small, blurry sizes, if you, place debug breakpoint on line reads

saveimage(bitmappdfpage, i); 

then, in list of variables, you'll able find bitmappdfpage (in android studio), , view bitmap itself. if bitmap small , blurry here, maybe update question knowledge it's loading code incorrect. if it's large , can read text converse true , know it's bitmap saving code that's @ fault.


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