c# - creating standard tiles with background image from internet -
i want create standarttile background image direct website,
and fine in wp8, same code not work in wp7
here code below:
void settile(string title, string iconpath1x1, string iconpath2x2, string iconpath4x2, string iconpath2x2back, string iconpath4x2back, string widecontent, string targeturi) { standardtiledata standarddata = new standardtiledata() { //iconpath2x2 = "http://i.imgur.com/something.png" title = title + "_", backgroundimage = new uri(iconpath2x2, urikind.relativeorabsolute), backcontent = "", backtitle = title + "_", backbackgroundimage = new uri(iconpath1x1, urikind.absolute) }; shelltile tiletopin = shelltile.activetiles.firstordefault( x => x.navigationuri.tostring().contains(targeturi)); if (tiletopin == null) { shelltile.create( new uri(targeturi, urikind.relativeorabsolute), standarddata); } }
i have tried link, didn't work
do miss or doesn't work in wp7?
unfortunately you'll need download image , save locally. can refer image isolated storage
string filename = @"shared\shellcontent\backgroundtileimage.jpg"; if(trysaveimage(filename, "http://foo.com/bar.png")) { uri uri = new uri("isostore:/" + filename, urikind.absolute); // create tile if didn't find exists. var tiledata = new standardtiledata { title = "my tile", backgroundimage = uri, }; } ... private bool trysaveimage(string filename, string url) { using (var store = system.io.isolatedstorage.isolatedstoragefile.getuserstoreforapplication()) { try { var backimage = new image(); backimage.height = backimage.width = 173; backimage.stretch = stretch.none; backimage.source = new bitmapimage(new uri(url)); backimage.measure(new size(173, 173)); backimage.arrange(new rect(0, 0, 173, 173)); var image = new writeablebitmap(backimage, null); string directory = path.getdirectoryname(filename); if (!store.directoryexists(directory)) { store.createdirectory(directory); } using (var stream = store.openfile(filename, filemode.openorcreate)) { image.savejpeg(stream, 173, 173, 0, 100); } } catch { return false; } } return true; }
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