interface - how to append int value to GET url of retrofit in android -

i have following url wanted use retrofit method how append 2 company id sharepreference during login

here ma interface code

public interface productsget {       string company_id = orderapplication.companyid_new;       @get("/dataaccessservice.svc/getproducts/")     public void getproducts( callback<list<productsnew>> response); } 

in order make end point dynamic either can implementing endpoint , make use of seturl() or can use url manipulation block surrounded { , }.

    int company_id = orderapplication.companyid_new;   @get("/dataaccessservice.svc/getproducts/{company_id}"             public void getproducts( @path("companyid") int companyid,callback<list<productsnew>> response);      yourreference.getproducts(company_id,new callback...) 


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