Enable CPU Monitoring Metrics in Azure -

i have 3 azure services - standard .net application deployed one, wcf service , third windowsservice.

i have enabled verbose logging on instance (but not changed code support logging). 3 connected same azure storage account.

  1. the .net instance logging cpu , memory metrics fine.
  2. the wcf instance logging memory usage not cpu.
  3. likewise windowsservice logging memory usage not cpu.

i can't understand difference - (2) , (3) show flatlined cpu know not case (as can remote box , see cpu usage manually).

does have ideas on difference is?


i recommend watch "monitoring, management & devops in windows azure" https://channel9.msdn.com/(a(-6u-pjh5zaekaaaanmjly2izmgitzwmzns00mwu0lwixnmetntnkmdmxzdbmyjgyubegdshfweu7r941495i4kaqxyq1))/events/build/2013/3-558


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