java - What is the equivalent of @Value in CDI world? -

what way 1 inject property value property placeholder cdi bean?

in spring 1 write:

@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.value("${webservice.user}") private string webserviceuser; 

what sets webserviceuser field property webservice.user property file/property placeholder.

how cdi? i've tried find answer, couldn't find equivalent. however, people write, can use cdi spring substitute on application servers, , use case basic, surely there must easy way, unfortunately i've failed find it.

cdi specification dependecy injection , context doesn't have such configuration things out of box. provides powerful extension mechanism allows third party projects add new portable features (i.e works cdi implementation , not tied server). important project providing cdi extensions apache deltaspike , news, provides need.

so need add deltaspike-core in project. if use maven, need add dependencies pom.xml

    <dependency>         <groupid>org.apache.deltaspike.core</groupid>         <artifactid>deltaspike-core-api</artifactid>         <version>0.4</version>     </dependency>      <dependency>         <groupid>org.apache.deltaspike.core</groupid>         <artifactid>deltaspike-core-impl</artifactid>         <version>0.4</version>     </dependency>  

after if don't care properties filename, add meta-inf/ project , put properties in it. if need more 1 file or want choose name you'll have implement propertyfileconfig interface each file :

public class mycustompropertyfileconfig implements propertyfileconfig {     @override     public string getpropertyfilename()     {         return "";     } }  

after you'll able inject values

@applicationscoped public class somerandomservice {     @inject     @configproperty(name = "endpoint.poll.interval")     private integer pollinterval;      @inject     @configproperty(name = "endpoint.poll.servername")     private string pollurl;      ...  } 

as see in example taken deltaspike documentation, can inject value in string in integer, long, float, boolean fields. provide own type if need more specific. deltaspike config documentation can found here.


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