javascript - Popup no working when page change -

i have popup ajax call him table , works until perform new query changes data in table . if 'll call not work, not error(out success)

my javascript

<script type="text/javascript">      var thedialog = $('#my-dialog').dialog({          autoopen: false,          modal: true,          closeonescape: false,          height: screen.availheight - 100,           width: 1100,          show: 'fade',          hide: 'fade',          resizable: 'false'      });      var mydialogprogress = $('#my-dialog-progress');      var mydialogcontent = $('#my-dialog-content');           function showeventregistrantsummary(id, ui) {          $.ajaxsetup({ cache: false });;          thedialog.dialog('open');          mydialogcontent.html('');            $.ajax({              url: 'home/popup?id=' + id + '&ui=' + ui,              type: 'get',              cache: false,              datatype: 'html',              success: function (data) {                  mydialogprogress.hide();                  mydialogcontent.html(data);              },              error: function (xmlhttprequest, textstatus, errorthrown) {                  alert("estado: " + textstatus); alert("error: " + errorthrown);              }          });              }  </script>


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