python - PyQt: Label not showing correct number of length -

i making quiz application in pyqt4, there 3 main generators:

incorrect, correct , timeout.

all answers connecting scorecheck function:

def scorecheck(self, sendercheck):     if ( sendercheck == self.answ ) or ( sendercheck == self.answ1 ) or ( sendercheck == self.answ5 ) or ( sendercheck == self.answ7 ) or ( sendercheck == self.answ8 ) or ( sendercheck == self.answ10 ):         self.wronganswers.append(1)     elif ( sendercheck == self.answ2 ) or ( sendercheck == self.answ4 ) or ( sendercheck == self.answ9 ):         self.correctanswers.append(1)     elif sendercheck == self.tmr3:         self.timeouts.append(1)         print "worked"         print len(self.timeouts)     else:         pass       self.wronganswerlabel = qtgui.qlabel(str(len(self.wronganswers)), self)     self.wronganswerlabel.setgeometry(220, 40, 200, 200)     self.wronganswerlabel.setobjectname('wronganswercount')     self.wronganswerlabel.setstylesheet("#wronganswercount { font-size: 31pt; color: white; border: none; }")       self.timeoutlabel = qtgui.qlabel(str(len(self.timeouts)), self)     self.timeoutlabel.setgeometry(480, 80, 200, 200)     self.timeoutlabel.setobjectname('timeoutlabel')     self.timeoutlabel.setstylesheet("#timeoutlabel { font-size: 31pt; color: white; border: none; }")        self.correctanswerlabel = qtgui.qlabel(str(len(self.correctanswers)), self)     self.correctanswerlabel.setgeometry(1050, 40, 200, 200)     self.correctanswerlabel.setobjectname('correctanswercount')     self.correctanswerlabel.setstylesheet("#correctanswercount { font-size: 31pt; color: white; border: none }")         summary = len(self.correctanswers) + 100 - len(self.wronganswers) - len(self.timeouts) % 10       if summary < 0:         while summary < 0:             summary += 1        self.summarylabel = qtgui.qlabel(str(summary), self)     self.summarylabel.setgeometry(850, 222, 200, 200)     self.summarylabel.setobjectname('summary')     self.summarylabel.setstylesheet("#summary { font-size: 40pt; color : white; border: none }") 

when loss count reach 3, activate gameover function, labels shown.

wronganswerslabel , correctanswerslabel showing normally, timeoutlabel shown 0.

but added print len(timeouts) in general parts of scorecheck , gameover function , results equal 1.

i tried this: self.timeouts.append(1) self.timeouts.append(1)

strangely shown 2 in label.

i tried multiprocessing scorecheck function thought performance problem, nothing did update.

what may problem be? why timeoutlabel showing 0 , others showing proper numbers? because performance or incorrect input?

i have fixed problem:

sequence of functions:

2 3 2 3 1 2 3 4 5

2 on top of label defined.

3 on bottom of label defined.

1 sendercheck statement of timeout. (important)

4 on top of label shown.

5 under label shown.

where timer defined:

    self.tmr3 = qtcore.qtimer(self)     self.tmr3.setsingleshot(true)     self.tmr3.timeout.connect(partial(self.timeout, self.tmr3)) # connects timeout first, thats why sequence going wrong.     self.tmr3.timeout.connect(partial(self.scorecheck, self.tmr3))     self.tmr3.timeout.connect(partial(self.checkifout, self.tmr3)) 

fixed adding scorecheck @ first timeout signal:

    self.tmr3 = qtcore.qtimer(self)     self.tmr3.setsingleshot(true)     self.tmr3.timeout.connect(partial(self.scorecheck, self.tmr3))     self.tmr3.timeout.connect(partial(self.timeout, self.tmr3))     self.tmr3.timeout.connect(partial(self.checkifout, self.tmr3)) 


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